TAIRIS AEVE started its course with two ambitious technicians, Dimitris Maniadis and Nikos Tairis, and managed to become a leader in the field of cooling and air conditioning in the Greek market. In 1978 the founders of the company open their first store based in Piraeus. The main focus of the company is sales and repairs of refrigeration equipment and systems. The following decade marks some of the most important collaborations that continue to this day.
In 1981 with Bitzer, 1982 with Küba, and only a year later signed an exclusive cooperation agreement to represent Greece, Cyprus and the Balkans.
Our story begins with the founding of ENOMENI PSIKTIKI – EPSI in 1981 after the merger of 3 smaller companies with extensive knowledge in the industrial refrigeration, air conditioning and marine service. For the next 5 years EPSI succeeded in launching innovative products and managing to become a local power in the marine sector, hotels and building air conditioning as well as in the plastic, chemical, packaging and food industries.
EPSI managed to compete in a highly competitive environment and export to Turkey, Cyprus, Russia and other countries of Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia. In the next 12 years global exports rise steadily and account for 40% of the yearly turn over. During this time, EPSI installed air conditioning and refrigeration systems to more than 80 merchant ships, cruiser ships as well as a large number of air handling units and water chillers in Qatar, Israel, Portugal and Spain. A new office was founded in Cairo, Egypt to cater to the local market and the ever-expanding market of Africa, while EPSI MARINE was created with the purpose of offering services and installation of systems in the marine sector.
In 1989 there was another important collaboration with Danfoss.
In 1990, for the first time systematization of refrigeration and air-conditioning systems began with a steady ascendant course, evolving the mechanical installations and the production line.
A very important year that stood out was 1998 where EPSI manufactured 4 water chillers of 350RT each and 30 air handling units for the Emir of Qatar.

EPSI moved into the newly raised building in the industrial park of Schisto with more than 4.200m2 of space. Production or refrigeration and air conditioning systems is now supported with modern CNC machines.
From 2005 to 2013, the company’s production activities were housed in a building covering 3000 square meters, equipped with new production and storage spaces, before strategically relocating to its current headquarters. By the end of the decade, TAIRIS had emerged as the leading partner in EMEA and is awarded by Danfoss with the “Highest Turnover” award.

In 2007 the company celebrates 25 years of cooperation with GEA Küba and their longest co-operation in the world.
In 2010 and until today the third generation has taken over management. Dimitris Tairis and Zoi Tairi, combining a strong technological background and a business way of thinking, have the strategic goal of expanding the company’s business activities and collaborating with new groups of companies. By implementing this vision, they are able to expand directly into the heating and automation sectors, as well as to achieve new partnerships with manufacturers such as KELVION.
After the 2008 financial crisis and the ten year austerity period in Greece, EPSI manages to survive and remain the last of the sector’s “Great Four” manufacturers of the Greek market.
In 2017 TAIRIS AEVE is awarded twice, for the second time by Bitzer for top performance in the development, promotion and support of a new product, and also by Danfoss for its outstanding turnover in the refrigeration and air conditioning sectors.
TAIRIS AEVE acquires EPSI SA after a two-year negotiation period and so creates a new group of companies with a very strong presence in the distribution of components and the manufacturing of refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The acquisition expands the horizons of the group with partners like BITZER and DANFOSS while maintaining the leading place in the market.
η πορεία μας μέσα στο χρόνο
TAIRIS AEVE started its course with two ambitious technicians, Dimitris Maniadis and Nikos Tairis, and managed to become a leader in the field of cooling and air conditioning in the Greek market. In 1978 the founders of the company open their first store based in Piraeus. The main focus of the company is sales and repairs of refrigeration equipment and systems. The following decade marks some of the most important collaborations that continue to this day.
In 1981 with Bitzer, 1982 with Küba, and only a year later signed an exclusive cooperation agreement to represent Greece, Cyprus and the Balkans.
Our story begins with the founding of ENOMENI PSIKTIKI – EPSI in 1981 after the merger of 3 smaller companies with extensive knowledge in the industrial refrigeration, air conditioning and marine service. For the next 5 years EPSI succeeded in launching innovative products and managing to become a local power in the marine sector, hotels and building air conditioning as well as in the plastic, chemical, packaging and food industries.
EPSI managed to compete in a highly competitive environment and export to Turkey, Cyprus, Russia and other countries of Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia. In the next 12 years global exports rise steadily and account for 40% of the yearly turn over. During this time, EPSI installed air conditioning and refrigeration systems to more than 80 merchant ships, cruiser ships as well as a large number of air handling units and water chillers in Qatar, Israel, Portugal and Spain. A new office was founded in Cairo, Egypt to cater to the local market and the ever-expanding market of Africa, while EPSI MARINE was created with the purpose of offering services and installation of systems in the marine sector.
In 1989 there was another important collaboration with Danfoss.
In 1990, for the first time systematization of refrigeration and air-conditioning systems began with a steady ascendant course, evolving the mechanical installations and the production line.
A very important year that stood out was 1998 where EPSI manufactured 4 water chillers of 350RT each and 30 air handling units for the Emir of Qatar.

EPSI moved into the newly raised building in the industrial park of Schisto with more than 4.200m2 of space. Production or refrigeration and air conditioning systems is now supported with modern CNC machines.

From 2005 to 2013, the company’s production activities were housed in a building covering 3000 square meters, equipped with new production and storage spaces, before strategically relocating to its current headquarters. By the end of the decade, TAIRIS had emerged as the leading partner in EMEA and is awarded by Danfoss with the “Highest Turnover” award.
In 2007 the company celebrates 25 years of cooperation with GEA Küba and their longest co-operation in the world.
In 2010 and until today the third generation has taken over management. Dimitris Tairis and Zoi Tairi, combining a strong technological background and a business way of thinking, have the strategic goal of expanding the company’s business activities and collaborating with new groups of companies. By implementing this vision, they are able to expand directly into the heating and automation sectors, as well as to achieve new partnerships with manufacturers such as KELVION.
After the 2008 financial crisis and the ten year austerity period in Greece, EPSI manages to survive and remain the last of the sector’s “Great Four” manufacturers of the Greek market.
In 2017 TAIRIS AEVE is awarded twice, for the second time by Bitzer for top performance in the development, promotion and support of a new product, and also by Danfoss for its outstanding turnover in the refrigeration and air conditioning sectors.
TAIRIS AEVE acquires EPSI SA after a two-year negotiation period and so creates a new group of companies with a very strong presence in the distribution of components and the manufacturing of refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The acquisition expands the horizons of the group with partners like BITZER and DANFOSS while maintaining the leading place in the market.
TAIRIS group was established in 2020 when TAIRIS AEVE, a refrigeration trade and manufacturing company, acquired the Greek air conditioning and heat pump manufacturer EPSI SA.
Together the two companies have joined forces and have become the largest Greek manufacturing entity of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment. With more than 40 years in the market, the cornerstone of our success has been the creation of longstanding relationships with our suppliers and partners that shows our commitment and dedication to providing great products and services. With decarbonisation as the main strategy for the future, sustainable innovation is the main drive behind the goods and services that we provide and manufacture.
For us excellence means to always be better. We are committed to the highest quality standards of products we manufacture, of goods we trade, and services we provide.

started its course with two ambitious technicians, Dimitris Maniadis and Nikos Tairis, and managed to become a leader in the field of cooling and air conditioning in the Greek market. In 1978 the founders of the company open their first store based in Piraeus. The main focus of the company is sales and repairs of refrigeration equipment and systems. The following decade marks some of the most important collaborations that continue to this day. In 1981 with Bitzer, 1982 with Küba, and only a year later signed an exclusive cooperation agreement to represent Greece, Cyprus and the Balkans. In 1989 there was another important collaboration with Danfoss.
In 1990, for the first time systematization of refrigeration and air-conditioning systems began with a steady ascendant course, evolving the mechanical installations and the production line. In 2005 the new building is completed in Mandra, Attica. The new production and storage areas are over 3000 m² of coverage. By the end of the decade, TAIRIS had emerged as the leading partner in EMEA and is awarded by Danfoss with the “Highest Turnover” award. In 2007 the company celebrates 25 years of cooperation with GEA Küba and their longest co-operation in the world.
In 2010 and until today the third generation has taken over management. Dimitris Tairis and Zoi Tairi, combining a strong technological background and a business way of thinking, have the strategic goal of expanding the company’s business activities and collaborating with new groups of companies. By implementing this vision, they are able to expand directly into the heating and automation sectors, as well as to achieve new partnerships with manufacturers such as KELVION. In 2017 TAIRIS AEVE is awarded twice, for the second time by Bitzer for top performance in the development, promotion and support of a new product, and also by Danfoss for its outstanding turnover in the refrigeration and air conditioning sectors.

H ιστορία μας ξεκινά με την ίδρυση της ΕΝΩΜΕΝΗΣ ΨΥΚΤΙΚΗΣ – EPSI το 1981 με την συνένωση τριών εταιριών με πολυετές επιχειρηματικό παρελθόν στον χώρο της βιομηχανικής ψύξης, του κλιματισμού και του ναυτιλιακού σέρβις. Για τα επόμενα πέντε χρόνια πρωτοπορεί με καινοτόμα προϊόντα καταφέρνοντας να γίνει η πρώτη επιλογή στην εγχώρια ναυτιλία, σε ξενοδοχεία και κτιριακές εγκαταστάσεις κλιματισμού, καθώς και στην βιομηχανία πλαστικών, χημικών, υλικών συσκευασίας, τροφίμων κ.α.
Σε ένα ιδιαίτερα ανταγωνιστικό περιβάλλον η EPSI καταφέρνει να εξάγει προϊόντα της σε Ευρώπη, Κύπρο, Τουρκία, Αφρική, Μέση Ανατολή, Ασία και Ρωσία. Για τα επόμενα 12 έτη οι διεθνείς εξαγωγές αντιπροσωπεύουν σταθερά το 40% του ετήσιου κύκλου εργασιών της. Στο διάστημα αυτό εγκαθιστά ολοκληρωμένα συστήματα κλιματισμού και ψυκτικών θαλάμων σε πάνω από 80 εμπορικά πλοία και κρουαζιερόπλοια, αλλά και πολυάριθμες κλιματιστικές μονάδες και συγκροτήματα σε Κατάρ, Ισραήλ, Πορτογαλία και Ισπανία. Στα πλαίσια ανάπτυξης ιδρύει ένα γραφείο εκπροσώπησης στο Κάιρο Αιγύπτου για την κάλυψη της αυξανόμενης ζήτησης στην αγορά της Αφρικής αλλά και την ίδρυση της EPSI MARINE στην Ελλάδα με βασικές της υπηρεσίες την εγκατάσταση μηχανημάτων ψύξης και κλιματισμού στην ναυτιλία.
Μία ιδιαίτερα σημαντική χρονιά για την EPSI ήταν το 1998 με την κατασκευή τεσσάρων υδρόψυκτών συγκροτημάτων 350 RT (ψυκτικών τόνων) και τριάντα κλιματιστικών μονάδων για τον Εμίρη του Κατάρ.
Με την ολοκλήρωση του νέου ιδιόκτητου κτιρίου η Ενωμένη Ψυκτική μεταφέρεται στην βιομηχανική περιοχή Σχιστού Περάματος σε ένα νέο σύγχρονο βιομηχανικό κτίριο 4200τμ. Εκεί πλέον γίνεται η κατασκευή και δοκιμές των ψυκτικών και κλιματιστικών μηχανημάτων σε ένα χώρο παραγωγής εξοπλισμένο με σύγχρονες CNC εργαλειομηχανές.
Με την έλευση της 10ετούς οικονομικής κρίσης στην Ελλάδα η EPSI καταφέρνει να παραμείνει στην αγορά ως η τελευταία από τους «4 Μεγάλους» κατασκευάστρια εταιρεία της Ελληνικής αγοράς.
Μετά από διαπραγματεύσεις που διάρκεσαν 2 έτη ολοκληρώνεται, στα τέλη του 2019, η εξαγορά της EPSI από την ΤΑΪΡΗΣ ΑΕΒΕ δημιουργώντας έτσι ένα νέο ισχυρό όμιλο εταιρειών που δραστηριοποιούνται στο εμπόριο και την κατασκευή ψυκτικών και κλιματιστικών μηχανημάτων και συστημάτων. Η εξαγορά αυτή διευρύνει σημαντικά τις συνεργασίες με μεγάλους οίκους του εξωτερικού όπως BITZER και DANFOSS αλλά και ενισχύει την υπάρχουσα ηγετική θέση της EPSI.